Ensuring Your Site Is Environmentally Compliant

When moving earth around a site, a temporary build-up of surface water can often occur. It is important that this water build-up is managed responsibly, ensuring that there is no long-term impact on the surrounding landscape and environment and that is where a responsible earthworks contractor, like Allstone Earthworks comes in.

Managing Surface Water

When undertaking work on a site on behalf of a client, we will put in place a plan to demonstrate how we intend to manage any surface water build-up. This plan will also ensure that areas surrounding the site, that may be near burns or streams, will not be contaminated by water run-off from the site. 

Allstone Earthworks are a responsible earthworks contractor. Accredited in ISO 9,001, 14,001 and 45,001, we have a very good understanding of the environmental damage that water run-off from a site can cause to surrounding natural habitats. As such, we take great care when undertaking work on behalf of our clients to ensure that all the necessary work is undertaken to ensure that water is managed effectively and responsibly.

Understanding That’s Built On Experience

The team at Allstone Earthworks are very experienced and have a great understanding of what can cause surface water build-up, as well as knowing how best to manage it safely and effectively. We will put temporary measures in place on a site, which ensure that we are fully compliant with all pertinent regulations.

These measures are checked daily to ensure that they are working and doing what they were designed to do. An expert independent consultant will also undertake regular water sampling on the sites where we are working, ensuring that the water is meeting all the required water purification levels.

Providing Clients With Feedback

Allstone Earthworks have invested heavily in staff training and utilise the latest technology to continually log and provide our clients with feedback on the surface water management techniques that we have employed on their site. These are available to clients in the form of reports, which they can spot check anytime they wish, to see that their site is being managed correctly.

Protecting The Environment

All the team at Allstone Earthworks are acutely aware of the impact that our work can have on the environment if it is not managed in a responsible manner. As well as ensuring that streams and burns are not contaminated with any site pollutants, we are also mindful of the impact on the surrounding wildlife that work on a site can have.

Get In Touch

We have a great track record of delivering these services for our clients and would welcome the opportunity to discuss any upcoming projects you have in mind, with a view to Allstone Earthworks submitting a tender for the work in question. Please contact us on 0141 776 1002 or email us at info@allstoneearthworks.co.uk.